We are excited to bring you a wide variety of massage, acupuncture, chiropractic and yoga services to help you feel like your best self. We do not accept payments from insurance companies. All clients are required to pay for appointments at the time of service. We can happily provide a super receipt to any client who wishes to submit to their insurance company for reimbursement.
Laser acupuncture is a form of acupuncture that uses low-level laser therapy with or instead of traditional acupuncture needles to stimulate the body's acupuncture points.
Our therapists' methods allow the deep tissues, joints and muscles to be massaged, with the therapists' feet, while easing the nervous system. This deep work can have a significant effect on the body.
For both relaxation and pain relief, we have the perfect back massage therapy available.
Need professional chair massage for your office event or party in Thornton, CO? We can help.
Chiropractic is a specialized healthcare discipline that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those affecting the spine, through manual adjustment and manipulation techniques.
Are you suffering from chronic headaches, ongoing aches and pains, or extreme fatigue? Craniosacral therapy massage for headaches may help provide the relief you're looking for.
Cupping therapy offers a variety of benefits on its own or in conjunction with other massage or acupuncture techniques.
If you’re tired of the chronic pain, then see how deep tissue massage therapy may be the right answer for you.
Integrative massage therapy – An excellent way to alleviate pain and reduce the need for medicine.
An excellent whiplash treatment is a massage performed by an experienced and skilled practitioner.
Medical massage therapy has several benefits, including the treatment of chronic pain and inflammation.
Myofascial release therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. Structural Integration is a process-based approach to somatic education, typically involving manual therapy, that explores the possibility of change in how you use and experience your body.
We offer various neck massage techniques that target deep tissue and trigger points for pain relief.
Check out the benefits of neuromuscular massage and begin your journey to recovery and pain relief at Intrepid Bodyworks.
The plantar fasciitis massage can help individuals suffering from foot pain from plantar fasciitis.
We genuinely care about expectant mothers’ safety while helping them relax with a prenatal massage.
Experience the healing benefits of reflexology massage at Intrepid Bodyworks in Thornton, CO.
Learn why restorative yoga classes can benefit your health and help decrease stress from work or life.
Sports massage therapy provides benefits to athletes and active people. Try our services today.
Get the benefits of therapeutic massage work. Our therapists are ready to help you.
See for yourself the amazing benefits of trigger point massage therapy for chronic and acute pain.
Adding yoga, mobility and flexability training to your care routine will help keep away and allow for great freedom of movement.